More informationThe aforementioned test is the most widely used, internationally, to determine the quality of the egg to be analyzed. The manometer will allow you to perfectly define the thickness of the shell and the freshness of the egg depending on the appearance of the white and the yolk.
As a tool it is essential since the quality of said food is measured in haugh units that are the result of analyzing the weight of each egg and the quantity, in millimeters, of albumin it contains.
Its handling is extremely simple. Simply break the egg on a flat surface and apply the instrument on the highest part of the albumen (usually 1 centimeter from the yolk) until the probe comes into contact with it.
To determine the quality in Haugh units the following formula should be applied:
Hu = 100 * log (h - 1.7 * p0.37 +7.57)
Where: Hu = Egg Quality in units Haughp = egg weight expressed in gramsh = albumen height expressed in mm
The result should be a value between 20 and 110 Haugh units.
Thanks to this micrometer, this operation will allow you to know, in advance, the haugh units of each product so that you can sell it directly to your customers.