H-alpha filters with
7nm pitch are used for
CCD observation and astrophotography of deep sky, in environments with a lot of
light pollution, such as
large cities . They are preferably associated with newtonian or retro-reflector telescopes
greater than 6 " and with a much more versatile focal ratio than in previous models, between
f / 10 and f / 3 .
They block the
infrared spectrum and allow a much sharper view of
nebulae and galaxies . They also generate a much more realistic color of the stars and reduce
excessive glare, halos and reflections .
This range of 7nm h-alpha filters are adapted for both observation and astronomical photography with
CCD cameras.
We offer you the options of:
- H-alpha 7nm for 1.25 "
- H-alpha 7nm for 36mm
- H-alpha 7nm for 2 "
- H-alpha 7mm for 50.8mm SLT
- H-alpha 7nm for 50x50mm
- H-alpha 7nm for 65x65mm
Baader H-alpha 7nm filter: H-alpha7nm Deep Sky 1.25 "
H-alpha filter 7nm 1,25 "Baader H-alpha 7nm filter: H-alpha7nm Deep Sky 2 "
H-alpha 7nm 2 "filterBaader H-alpha 7nm filter: H-alpha7nm Deep Sky 36mm
H-alpha 7nm 36mm filterBaader H-alpha 7nm filter: H-alpha7nm Deep Sky 50.4mm
H-alpha 7nm 50.8mm filterBaader H-alpha 7nm filter: H-alpha7nm Deep Sky 50x50mm
H-alpha 7nm 50x50mm filterBaader H-alpha 7nm filter: H-alpha7nm Deep Sky 65x65mm
H-alpha 7nm 65x65mm filter