Baader OIII filter is an accessory for the observation and photography
of emission nebulae in Oxygen III . Indicated for telescopes with openings
greater than 6 " for both Newtonians and retro-reflectors.
This filter has a
10nm bandpass and focuses on the
500nm spectrum. With it we will obtain a
greater contrast in the observation of
deep skies and nebulae . There is another OII filter model with 8nm bandpass, more applied to CCD astrophotography.
This filter is supplied on
1.25 "and 2" models
Baader OIII visual 10nm filter: OIII 10nm Deep Sky 1.25 "
OIII Visual 10nm 1.25 "filterBaader OIII visual 10nm filter: OIII 10nm Deep Sky 2 "
OIII Visual 10nm 2 "filter