Design weather station, black background with red hands and aluminum sides; similar to the dashboard of a car where it gives us the speed, the revolutions and the state of the gasoline. In this case it gives us the parameters of humidity, atmospheric pressure and temperature. The units of measurement for each one are: hp, % and ºC.
The main feature of this station model is its
high reliability and precision . The
machinery , which comes from
Germany, positions it as the
top range of
analogue meteorological stations on the market today.
On the back, it has a support that allows it to be attached to a wall, although it can also be used as a desktop.
Technical characteristics:- Brand: Barigo
- Made in Germany
- High quality of the elements that compose it
- Extreme precision machinery
- 3 spheres that measure: temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure
- Measurements: 480 x 260 x 60 mm
- Support on the back to hold it
- 2 years warranty