It is ideal as a travel companion, since the models made of carbon are very agile to transport and very resistant to sudden changes in temperature, including shocks or scratches.
It contains a system of rotary locks to open or close the tripod, also convertible to monopod. The tips of the legs are made of steel with two teeth that what they do is hold on very well to mountainous surfaces or possible frost without slipping.
The different models of the Travel Flat Collection series have 4 or 5 sections and a twist closure or also called a screw to lengthen or shorten the height of the tripod.
It is vitally important to note that virtually all ranges of Benro tripods come with a magnesium alloy. As we know, mangesium (Mg) is a whitish to silver chemical element, not very ductile due to its low toughness but very light.