The concept of humidity or amount of water vapor present in the air is very complex, since it depends on many factors such as temperature and pressure. To facilitate reading, several concepts have been defined:
The instrument par excellence that measures relative humidity is the hygrometer. From hygrometers we can find different models according to the mechanism or operating system.
We divide them into two main major groups:
Humidity is a very important and transversal control parameter in different areas. In meteorology, construction, environmental control, heritage conservation, museum, health, food, etc ...
In meteorology it is a parameter present in most meteorological stations, humidity is related to the presence of water vapor in the troposphere and therefore with the presence or absence of clouds, mists, dew, precipitation etc ...
In construction and housing, the presence of high humidity is a big problem, it can indicate from poor ventilation to the presence of leaks, humidity, subsoil humidity, etc. and therefore induce the presence of fungi and / or mold
In heritage and museum, humidity control is essential for a good preservation of works of art and documents, the presence of excessive humidity can damage documents and works of art of great value.
In health, excess humidity or lack can cause certain respiratory problems in children and adults, or accentuate certain diseases such as asthma or lung failure. Humidity control inside homes and rooms is basic in these cases.
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