Our security is basic and before an exit to the mountain we must always be clear that we must return to the starting point. There will be occasions when we will get to know the terrain better than others, but we should never trust ourselves because courage is often treacherous.
Currently it is advisable to use advanced geolocation devices or GPS (Global Position System). There are many devices, depending on their use or level, from the most basic devices for hiking to the most complex and precise equipment for mountaineering, hunting, etc ...
We should never ignore the use of the compass and it can also be a base cartographic map, regardless of the digital cartography introduced in the GPS. We already know that the technology is not perfect and sometimes it fails. There are also many compasses depending on their use. From simple pocket or lensatic compasses, which will guide us, to the most technical compasses for orientation on the map or terrain, some of them applied to geology.
If we are lovers of hiking and nature we will also be passionate about geography and will have the instinct to know the altitude at which we are at all times.
The devices that determine the altitude, are usually barometric altimeters and there are two different models. Digital and analog. These devices detect changes in altitude and atmospheric pressure as we move, following the physical rule that the pressure decreases 1hPa every 8.2m in height. They are two directly related parameters and for the correct functioning of the altimeter, we will always have to mark the reference or base altitude from where we are going to start.
We can equip ourselves with an altimeter to install it in our car or to carry it with us in our backpack. Currently digital altimeters incorporate other parameters such as temperature, a compass and even an anemometer to measure the wind.
As important as not getting lost, it is knowing in advance or on the ground the weather conditions that we are going to find on our day off. We already know that in the mountains the weather is very changeable and before leaving we must always be informed in detail of the weather forecast.
If the excursion is going to be long and long or we are going to venture to crown some peak, it is recommended to carry some handy weather equipment in your backpack. We can equip ourselves with instruments such as portable anemometers that will inform us of wind conditions, temperature and sensation temperature. Today, there are even instruments connectable to the mobile device, via bluetooth
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