Meteorology - Optics - Precision
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Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ Telescope

Brand: Celestron

Reference: 0050234210645

Offer: €284.62
PVP: €301.91


Refractor type telescope with an opening diameter of 90 mm. The Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ is one of the telescopes that has the best optical definition for planetary observation. It has a very robust German equatorial mount and tripod. What can I see with the Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ? You will be able to observe in great detail the craters of the Moon, the moons of Jupiter, Mars and the rings of Saturn. In addition, due to its construction it can also be used for land use.


More information
Versatile, robust and of great optical quality, the Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ is the best option to start planetary as well as terrestrial observation. The lenses have a fully treated achromatic treatment that allows to obtain clear, sharp images and with an optimal contrast for planetary observations.
It incorporates a German equatorial mount with fixation calipers, a pre-installed sturdy tripod with steel legs, a permanent LED finder, an erect imaging system ideal for astronomical and terrestrial use, a tray for storing accessories and software for the TheSkyX FirstLight Edition planetarium with more than 10,000 bodies celestial and images.

  • Optical Design: Fully Treated Achromatic Refractor
  • Aperture: 90mm
  • Focal length: 1000mm
  • Focal ratio: f / 11
  • Finder: Pre-installed, with light pointer
  • Mount: German Equatorial CG-3
  • Tripod: Steel with 31.8mm Ø round legs
  • Eyepieces: 20mm (50x) and 10mm (100x) of 31.8mm Ø
  • Inverter prism: 31.8mm diameter
  • Maximum Useful Magnification: 213x
  • Limit stellar magnitude: 12.3
  • Rayleigh resolution: 1.54 arcseconds
  • Dawes: 1.29 arc seconds
  • Light gathering power: 165x
  • Angular field of view (with 20mm eyepiece): 1 °
  • Optical Treatment: Multi-Coated
  • Tube length: 91.5cm
  • CD-ROM: TheSkyX
  • Telescope weight: 12.25kg

Comments (4)

| 10/09/2020 | Verified purchase
Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ Telescope

La entrega ha sido muy rápida, y el mejor precio que encontré en la web, repetiría sin dudar.

| 07/09/2020 | Verified purchase
Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ Telescope

Felicitarles por su gran profesionalidad, rapidez y atención. Un saludo

| 17/08/2020 | Verified purchase
Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ Telescope

Me he comprado este telescopio Celestron Astromaster 90 CQ3 guiandome por opiniones, comentarios incluso llamé a una tienda especializada. Mi conclusión es: Los planetas se ven muy pequeñitos pero muy nítidos con el ocular de 6mm. No se si yo esperaba verlos más grandes para poder observar mucho mejor pero el telescopio demasiado grande para lo que yo esperaba. No ha llegado a aprobar mis perspectivas. A lo mejor me hubiese tenido que comprar un reflector con mayor apertura y un tubo mucho más pequeño.

| 18/06/2020 | Verified purchase
Celestron Astromaster 90 EQ Telescope

È un prodotto molto buono, venduto ad un ottimo prezzo

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Questions (1)


Hola, qué incluye el precio? Oculares y montura también? Gracias

Store response | 20/07/2020

Hola Inma, Sí, incluye la montura, los oculares y el buscador. Saludos, Carlos

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