Meteorology - Optics - Precision
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Equatorial Sundial

Brand: Raig

Reference: A-215



Sundial that, through the inclination, the shadow of the central bar that symbolizes the terrestrial axis, will specify the hours inside the semi-circle.


More information
It is an instrument that, in addition to giving the time, has other uses:
a) It can be used regardless of the latitude we are in. b) It is parallel to the axis of the land. It forms, together with the horizontal plane, an angle equal to the latitude of the place.

  • Height: 19 cm
  • Diameter: 7cm
  • Material: wood and brass
  • 2 years warranty

Comments (2)

| 26/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Equatorial Sundial

El reloj es precioso. Quiero destacar especialmente la atención recibida. Lo compré online, hubo un error por mi parte al realizar el abono confundiendo códigos. Llamé, me atendieron muy amablemente y resolvieron inmediatamente el problema. Gracias por todo.

| 14/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Equatorial Sundial

magnifique, belles soudures

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