Meteorology - Optics - Precision
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Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg

From €7.76


Chromed steel calibration weight to calibrate the balance. The capacity of each weight ranges from 5g to 10kg.

Ref.: 1072
10kg gram calibration weight
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Ref.: 1069
1kg gram calibration weight
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Ref.: 1070
2kg gram calibration weight
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Ref.: 1063
Gram 10g calibration weight
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Ref.: 1067
Gram 200g calibration weight
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Ref.: 1064
Gram 20g calibration weight
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Ref.: 1068
Gram 500g calibration weight
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Ref.: 1065
Gram 50g calibration weight
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Gram 5g calibration weight
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Ref.: 1071
Gram 5kg calibration weight
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Ref.: 1066
Gram calibration weight 100g
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More information
Gram brand precision mass, class M1, made of chrome steel.

They are used to calibrate the scales and tare them.
There are several capacities, from 5g to 10kg.

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: 10kg gram calibration weight

Capacity: 10kg

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: 1kg gram calibration weight

Capacity: 1kg

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: 2kg gram calibration weight

Capacity: 2kg

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 10g calibration weight

Capacity: 10g

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 200g calibration weight

Capacity: 200g

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 20g calibration weight

Capacity: 20g

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 500g calibration weight

Capacity: 500g

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 50g calibration weight

Capacity: 50g

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 5g calibration weight

Capacity: 5g

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram 5kg calibration weight

Capacity: 5kg

Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: Gram calibration weight 100g

Capacity: 100g

Comments (2)

| 15/06/2018
Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: 2kg gram calibration weight

Una masa de calidad

| 15/06/2018
Gram calibration weight from 5g to 10kg: 1kg gram calibration weight

Una pesa de gran calidad

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Questions (1)


Precisa de pesos OIML de classe minima M2 de preferencia em aço inoxidavel, para 20 G gostaria tambem de ter uma solução M3 para 5 KG qual é a vossa recomendação

Store response | 13/07/2020

Boa tarde, No site, você encontrará pesos de aço inoxidável e cromo em diferentes pesos. Nós só temos classe M1, não temos classe M3 no momento. Uma saudação Carlos

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