Meteorology - Optics - Precision
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Maximum and minimum alcohol thermometer with green roof

Brand: TFA

Reference: 10.3015.04

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Plastic thermometer for the outside made up of two columns that record the maximum and minimum temperatures through the two columns in the middle. The column on the right is the maximum temperature and the one on the left will indicate the minimum temperature of the last hours.


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Outdoor thermometer with canopy. Indicates the maximum and minimum temperature of the last hours. The central black button is used to lower the indicator to the temperature it is currently at and to see the next day which has been the maximum registered and the minimum.

It is made of plastic and is made up of alcohol dyed red to make it more visual to the user to determine the temperature from a certain distance.

  • Maximum and minimum indicator thermometer
  • Maximum range: -30 + 50ºC
  • Rang minimum temperature: -50 + 41ºC
  • Measurements: 227 x 75mm
  • Plastic material

Comments (3)

| 23/01/2023
Maximum and minimum alcohol thermometer with green roof

Avui m'han regalat aquest termòmetre, encara no el ser fer servir gaire bé, però a veure si aviat puc mirar la temperatures més baixa i més alta del meu poble, de moment valoro molt positivament aquest producte!

| 13/01/2020
Maximum and minimum alcohol thermometer with green roof

Tudo bom conforme expectativa.

| 27/07/2018
Maximum and minimum alcohol thermometer with green roof

El transport va malmetre la columna d' alcohol. Me'l van canviar molt amablement

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