Robust marine design weather station, with brass or chrome finishes on the edges as well as the dials.
The station's structure simulates hardwood, making it not as heavy as it appears to be. The spheres and the corner frames are plated in brass or chrome, depending on the model. The contrast between the white, silver or gold dial and the wood gives it an elegant and classic air to place in any space.
On the upper dial is the watch, in the middle one the barometer with indications of storm, rain, variable and good weather. Finally, the lower sphere indicates the percentage of humidity and temperature, the latter prevailing over the circumference.
Dimensions: 45 cm high x 20 cm wide.
Nautical Weather Station w / Chrome or Brass Watch: Ref 30.0954 Brass
Brass finishesNautical Weather Station w / Chrome or Brass Watch: Ref 30.0954 silver
Chrome finishes