ST-30FX binocular loupe is an initiation or educational loupe, with some. They are instruments used in
science and jewelry , in the field of education they are used in botany, zoology and mycology.
In this model we can select
2 types of fixed magnification s, which allows us to work with a wider magnification range and therefore, in more
detail , we will be in a range between 2
0X and 40X . These benefits already make them suitable for
specialized secondary education and also university.
binocular head is fixed and has 2
WF 10X and 20mm eyepieces and is
inclined 45º to facilitate observation. This head can be rear or front.
Lighting the
3W LED , both incident and transmitted. It allows working with different types of samples, whether opaque, translucent or transparent. Regulation is by means of a manual dial.