This very handy and compact instrument becomes one of the most advisable tools for the hiker, mountaineer or fisherman. Anyone who does outdoor activities knows the dangers of thunderstorms and how easy it is for a person to become a perfect target for lightning.
This detector helps you prevent the arrival of a storm up to distances greater than 65km. It incorporates a color LCD screen, with different ranges of distance and with a reception sensitivity of 360º. There are different alerts if the storm is between 20 and 40 miles, between 12 and 24 or between 6 and 12 miles.
The device vibrates as the storm approaches, increasing vibration and warnings the closer the storm is to you. Calculate the concentration of lightning in the last 5 minutes and from here calculate if the storm is approaching or moving away from your position.
It incorporates a wrist strap and a carabiner. It works with 2 AA alkaline batteries already included.