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Terrestrial telescopes with aperture greater than 70mm

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Showing 4 products.

Terrestrial telescopes with aperture greater than 70mm

Telescopes larger than 70mm aperture are long range and detail observation equipment, widely used in naturalism and digiscopping, but also in hunting.

Large-format spotting scopes are those that exceed 70mm of aperture and can go up to 95mm. With these diameters they have a substantial gain in brightness and with the zoom that can exceed 70X, a greater range.

They serve for observation at a great distance, even beyond 2km, and also for observation in much more detail of animals and places at a certain distance. The opening gives them much more light, essential for when the environmental conditions are not entirely good.

We find telescopes with the most advanced optical treatments, in high definition and high definition with fluorite. These models are the most widely used in digiscopping, so that the photograph has the highest possible definition.

In all these telescopes the use of a tripod is compulsory, they are heavy equipment and we need the greatest possible stability.

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